I am very excited to begin my journey on this course! Through this course, I anticipate learning more about Canada’s history. Being an immigrant  in Canada myself, I don’t really know about the various Canadian experiences of building this country, the dynamic lives of a people managing to survive, how the first immigrants came and settled and interacted with each other. Through this course, I also hope to learn the various styles of Canadian writer’s and the ways in which they connect Canada’s history in poems, short stories, and real life stories as well. It would also be interesting to extend and explore Canadian literature in depth by analyzing how one story links to another.

Hmm..My favorite authors would be...Well..I don't really have "favorite" authors.
But I enjoyed reading and also watching the movie "
The English Patient," written by Michael Ondaatje.
He is an unusual writer especially in the "English Patient". It is very beautifully written, poetic, and yet everything is fragmented.
I think it is also a very deeply emotional book where it engages the reader to observe the tragedy events after WW2. 
Another book of his, "
In the Skin of a Lion," is also amazing. I find it to profoundly describe a large part of "my Canada"since it narrates the building of the city Toronto, especially through immigrants. It shows the interrelation of difficulties and interactions of immigrants living in Canada.

9/16/2010 11:43:59 am

Thanks for the suggestions - I grew up in Toronto, well -- actually I grew up in Toronto and Halifax -- anyway, Skin of a Lion certainly speaks of the city.


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